Take a gander,
Monday, May 14, 2012
Final Words
This blog was mainly an english project, but I didn't treat it much like any project. I actually like blogging, that reason being it was enjoyable for me. I enjoyed my english class, although it was a drag to wake up in the crack of dawn and walk to campus. The environment is always nice, thanks to my fellow fifteen classmates and Professor Pessin. What stood out to me most was that there are many ways teachers proceed with their way of teaching, and fortunately, my Professor went about his lessons by relatings subject matters with fun interesting things. By interesting things I mean matters I actually care for, or could talk about, or things that relates to me. By changing it up, it not only made class funner or easier but made time fly.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Project Space Final; lol
Professor Pessin
English 114B
11 May 2012
League of Legends
Space is required in all kinds virtual games in order for characters to move further within the game. When speaking of space, it’s not only the restricted area a character is allowed, or the surroundings in the games, but space also works as a factor that determines whether it’s a victory or a loss. Most times in video games there are set boundaries a player can and can’t pass, if there were no boundaries the process of finishing the game will be much longer, that is because there are no set guidelines a player must follow. The surrounding within the game is also a key part, because it allows the game to be more realistic. Then there is the kind of space where the player has to push through in order to win the game. The computer game, League of Legends, needs these different types of space for the game to function. Space occupies by setting boundaries that are known as "lanes," space also occupies the games by filling the surroundings according to the theme. A different way of occupying space within this game is particularly important because in order to achieve the ultimate goal a team must push their boundaries, meaning space. Although, space plays different roles in the game, space itself is necessary for the game to be successful.
This particular computer game, League of Legends was created by Riot Games and it was first announced in October 7th 2008. The basics of this game included: two opposing teams, within those teams there are three to five individual characters, which the players chose. The game starts as both teams are on different sides, on what is known as a “Nexus.” The main goal of the game is to destroy the opponent's Nexus first, however in order to do that the players must destroy the opposing team’s towers, known in the game as “turrets.” Each players pick or are assigned a place in the map which they must protect and guard. But the plus side about this game is there are “minions” that follow each characters around to help out, other than that players can kill the opponents “minions” to get money. Once all the turrets on the lanes are destroyed the team can proceed to the “Nexus” where there are more turrets, finally when all those are destroyed as well one last main base has to be demolished a team has won. There are two game types in League of Legends, one is called Dominion here the players are playing capture and hold game, the teams don’t physically destroy the nexus but rather by killing each enemy weakens it. The classic mode is more of a base defense type go game , where each team push through to physically destroy the opponents nexus. The open space and the forest atmosphere lives after the name “rift” and the call for destroying the base is why its named “summoner.”

Since, space is used to occupy show dominance in the game, it can also be used as a territory for the powerful ones. Like mentioned before monsters have their own space in the lanes for this reason they benefit and reward the characters, only if they kill them. The monsters having their own space in the lane means that they are powerful enough to create that space for themselves. The bushes on the sides of the lanes, have their own space, where the character isnt restricted from going only because they have the ability to allow the weakening character to be invisible to others while recovering. The little minions that follow the characters take up space as they respond every five seconds, which can be a little tough because the player must time very well and be precise with their next moves. These minions’ purpose are to help each character while fighting or characters gain money after killing a minion. They’re included in the game and they take space as they follow the character around because they serve a purpose and are there for help. This type of space is important because it helps the character get better that way they have more strength to go on with the game.
Another method that space is used to show dominance is how space that the base occupies versus the space of the lanes, is more open and spacious that is because thats where the final fight happens. Once the team has dismantled all the opponents turrets in the lanes they can proceed to the their nexus where more turrets are located. Only when all the turrets are destroyed can they destroy the main and the biggest turret. When the biggest turret is gone the team that destroyed has reach the goal of the game, which is to be the first team to ruin the base. The base occupies a larger space than the lanes because that’s where the last battle happens. This is when all the characters are together fighting, a lot of commotion happens at the base. Champion’s lives are precious at this point because since its a bigger space it is harder to go out of the way to the bushes to recover. At this point of the game most if not all the monsters, with the ability to give you money to better the characters, are dead they died along the way as the champions head to the nexus. Because of all that, the champions’ lives are more crucial while being in the base than the lanes. The tense and fighting builds up as each team push and create the space between them to the base smaller. When there is no more space and both teams are on the base the fights are faster so is ruining the turrets. The climax of the game happens at this point, therefore going back to why the base occupies more space than the lanes.
In practically all kind of games, space play a role to advance the game and achieve the goal. Whether by changing up the space surroundings by the theme, or by setting boundaries where a character can and cannot go, or perhaps by pushing through. In the computer game League of Legends created by the Riot Games, each team destroys one another’s turrets to defeat them, but this is only possible because space is taking place in the game. In Summoner’s Rift the map is only occupied wit three lanes per team, which restricts them from wandering around too much. By changing the surroundings according to the theme it allows player to feel in side the game. As the space decrease and the more turrets a team destroy the closer they get to the base. All three ways of occupying space in this computer game all lead up to, what brings happiness to the players, the victory.
Project Text Final
Nina Molina
Professor Pessin
English 114B
21 April 2012
Power of Spice
Just like drugs on planet Earth, Arrakis possess an addictive drug known as “spice.” If consumed, it gives the person an insight of the future, however if exposed to this drug one must keep taking it. If failing to do so death will come. This is one of the main conflicts in the novels Dune and Dune Messiah written by Frank Herbert. Spice became the target of many royal families, like the Atreides and the Harkonnen. For the Harkonnen their purpose was to simply get all their spice however way they can and no matter what stood in the way. As for the Astreides, they wanted wanted control over this drug, that way they end the crave. The addiction led to many deaths whether from fighting to gain possession of it or simply from the drug itself. Not only are people but the universe is centered around this absurd narcotic. Depending on spice and having power by having a great amount of the substance only means that it possessed power over them. Spice is power because power comes from spice.
Dune the first of the series by Frank Herbert was written in the decade 1960’s when the experimentation of drugs was at its peak. Dune digs into the effects the drug “spice” has on those who consumes it --physically as well as socially. Baron Harkonnen, a self-centered ruler is willing to go to any extent to get his hand on the planet Arrakis only to have all the spice he desires, he even has an evil plan to kill the Duke, who has authority over the spice. Arrakis, is the home of the Fremen and the spice, it is unlike other planets because of its harsh climates and its scarce supply of water. Though, the Fremen and everyone else would want to change the environment of Arrakis to fit their need, they don’t pursue it because changing the planet’s environment and climate will lead to killing the sandworms -- who have a great role growth of spice. By abiding the necessities of the sand worms, which goes back to the spice, to keep their humanity and place in the planet it goes to show that the power is held by the melange.
Paul Atreides, the son of the Duke Leto and Lady Jessica, is little and lack masculine physical features however he is quick to think and is powerful, that is because since he is claimed to be “the one” many look up on him and he is also powerful in the sense that he has the ability to see things that people for so long failed to do. Although, he is still fifteen in Dune, he’s been claimed to be “the One” since birth. In the beginning of the novel, he goes through a test held by the Reverend Mother, a test by enduring pain to determine if he is human. He wasn’t sure why he had to go through that, but shortly he learned that his mother also went through it, and what the purpose was. After given the test the Reverend Mother started to see the Kwisatz Haderach in Paul. Lady Jessica, was raised a Bene Gesserit, however she rebelled against their order to have a daughter, rather had a son (Paul.) She is the concubine of the Duke, regardless they care for their relationship like a marriage. She is a great mother to Paul, she acts as the good conscience that keeps him going. Duke Leto, the head of the House of Atreides, has gained power over Arrakis - land of spice - through the exchange of the planet Caladan. The Duke is normally a caring and thoughtful person, but when dealing with betrayers and competitors he becomes brutal and cold- hearted. Baron Hakonnen, leader of the House of Harkonnen, he too is ruthless. The Baron is the main enemy of the Atreides, he only thinks of himself and what will make him better. He thought out a plan to destroy his enemies and planets just to get his hand on unlimited supply of spice.
Dune Messiah, the second book of the series, also by Frank Herbert is a continuation of the first novel. The expand of this book doesn’t deal much about people fighting over the drug, but more of how it effects some of the characters such as Alia. Alia Antreides, is the daughter of Duke Leto and Lady Jessica, just like her older bother she too posses powers. She has the ability to “become one with others.” She is the main reason for the death of her evil grandfather Baron by poisoning him with gom jabbar. She grew up living with the Fremen. In Dune Messiah, she falls for Paul’s educator, Duncan Idaho, who dies in the previous novel but is brought back to life by Tleilaxu means.
Spice is known to be like the Truthsayer drug, according to the Reverend Mother, people take it to advance their capabilities to see falsehood. Many has tried the drug to become insightful, yet failed and died. Apparently, it has become the center of attention for many planets which leads to countless clashes between powerful people such as the Baron Harkonnen and the Duke. The two books demonstrated the effects it has on an individual, even more the dangers powerful people will do to get their hands on it. The people surrounding the planet Arrakis have become dependent on this wealth that they have become trapped in it. That is because, they’re so caught up in trying to acquire the drug that they even risk their lives, along with other’s lives. On the other hand some are caught up in becoming the Kwisatz Haderach, but failed to do so and die. Losing lives to have the littlest to an eternal supply, oversees the value of life but rather are blinded by what they think to be more special.
Since melange has became the center attention of the universe, it only meant that whoever has their hands all over the planet ,they can control the planet and the distribution of spice. Royal individuals such as Baron Harkonnen will do what he can to take the Duke’s control over the spice. Not only does he go out of his way to arrange a trade between planets, he also hires someone to get gain the Duke’s and his family’s trust so he’ll have access to the Duke’s plan, only to betray them. “‘The Harkonnens have been stockpiling for more than twenty years.’ ‘They mean the spice production to fail and you to be blamed.’ ‘They wish the Areides name to become unpopular,’ the Duke said” (Herbert 43). The Duke is well aware of the intentions of the self-seeking Harkonnens, he tells Paul that knowing you who and where the traps are, is the first step to avoiding the trap itself. The Duke is not narrow minded to think that only the Harkonnens are after the spice he knows other Houses are also stockpiling in spice, however he doesn’t accuse them just yet because that will lead to more enemies, instead he keeps a close watch on them. Spice is power because this substance is irresistible that royal individuals will do what they to dominate over the planet. It only shows how crooked people think when in comes down to things as irrelevant and think so highly of it.
Just like many luxuries in life people will go to any degree to have possession of their wants, to some killing others has become as easy as taking candy from little kids. “The Harkonnens sneered at the Fremen, hunted them for sport, never even bothered trying to count them. We know the Harkonnens policy with planetary populations- spend as little as possible to maintain them” (Herbert 45). Although many powerful families want their share of melange, the Harkonnens do it without remorse.
Royal families are fighting over this drug because they have become dependent on it and its brings riches to them, they look at it as a necessity for life, but just like any luxuries they’ve become blinded by its feel-good effects, that they don’t realize the negative effects it has on their bodies as well as their universe. Spice is not only powerful because of its effects but the cost of the drug is expensive therefore bringing riches to the controller.
They become so caught up in wanting to see the future that they become imprisoned by it and eventually cause their own death. of Paul believes that the dependency and the addiction of spice is ridiculous, especially because he lost his father from it.
“‘The spice,’ he said ‘It’s in everything here- the air, the soil, the food, the geriatris spice. It’s like the Truthsayer drug. It’s like a poison!’ She stiffened. His voice lowered and repeated: ‘A poison -- so subtle, so insidious...so irreversible. It won’t kill you unless you stop taking it. ” (Herbert 196).
Ironically, Paul relies on the drug to see the the future, but he is considered to be “the One” -- the Kwisatz Haderach - unlike those who failed, Paul found “the gift of the spice with his inward eye.” He has the ability to see where no one else can and he has the ability to be at many places at once. “The spice changes anyone who gets this much of it, but thanks to you, I could bring change to this consciousness. I don’t get to leave it in the unconsciousness where its disturbance can be blanked out. I can see it” (Herbert 196). Paul thanks his mother because she had faith in him and saw something special in his son, although he isn’t the daughter she was told to have she still believed that there was something about her son and that is why she took him to the Reverend Mother in the first place. This drug have dominance over Paul in the sense that his ability to foresee is intensified whenever he is under the influence.
Along the way of trying to keep control of the planet and the spice, Paul had to go through the pain of losing his loved ones. As much as he wanted to put an end to it, he refused to give up. “Have you suffered more from them than I?” (Herbert 480). Paul questioning Gurney before he fights Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. Being blessed as a “the One” Paul sometimes thought it was a curse instead because along the way he’s lost some of the most important people in his life. He thought to himself, “ How little the universe knows about the nature of real cruelty!” He is most certainly right because the root of all evil started from the spice.
During the course of Dune Messiah, not as many fights over the spice happens, because it took place twelve years after the events during Dune. At this time Paul becomes the Emperor, by taking the role of messiah for the Fremen. His ultimate goal as a ruler is to lead people away from destruction of themselves, however some doubts his abilities and wants to dethrone him.
Regardless on the time span, issues about dependency of spice still lingered in the planet of Arrakis. Whereas, before they fought to have control over the substance this time around Paul had authority over the planet and the spice, however, time did not change their weakness to spice. Because they relied upon it and they thought highly of it, spice has shaped their universe and it became an essential to their lives. It’s just like any other irrelevant drug or substances it takes a toll on the individual where they become heavily reliant to it, when they can simply substitute it with safer matters.
“Here was another ingredient of ideal history: a material whose psychics chemistry unraveled time. Without melange, the Sisterhood’s Reverent Mothers could no perform their feats of observation and human control. Without melange, the Guild’s Steermen could not navigate across space. Without melange, billions upon billions of Imperial citizens would die of addictive withdrawal. Without melange, Paul-Muad’dib could not prophesy” (Herbert 7).
As stated above, its apparent that without this specific drug no one would be able to function as they need to, therefore having a collapse in their universe. Ironic that this drug that’s the cause of many lost lives is also the reason of keeping a place together. This coms to show how powerful spice is. Ultimately, although Paul now claims the power over the planet and the drug, he doesn’t necessarily posses it because he can’t control others away from it. Until then having power over spice is not achieved.
Paul is fortunate because he is “the One” and spice doesn’t have very much of a negative effect on him, unlike many who wrongly believe that they can survive from it. They become addicted to this drug which eventually leads to their death, because once they stop having it, they die. “Melange was valuable, but it exacted a price -- addiction. It added years to a life -- decades for some -- but it was still just another way to die” (Herbert 87). By taking this drug people gamble their lives just to have power over it or just to have the sensation of feeling insightful.
Alia, Paul’s little sister, just like many others gets caught up in consuming spice to see the future, that they don’t realize how damaging it is. “What is the future if you die?” Duncan ask Alia. She has become dependent in the drug because she claims that her “vision’s incomplete, just fragments. It flickers and jumps. I have to remember the future,” if she doesn’t take a good amount of spice. This is obviously not a valid reason to take more dose than she could handle, let alone rely on it. Duncan wanted her to get help, but stubborn as she is she was convinced that it won’t harm her --that’s definitely a sign of addiction.
Spice does not only have dominance over those who get addicted to the substance, but those who control the planet of Arkannis have dominance over about everyone in the universe. It addicted people, killed people, caused clashes between families, and shaped the universe whether good or bad. In the duration of the two novels by Frank Herbert, Dune and Dune Messiah it dealt with the effects this drug has on people -- their planets. This substance should be taken with precaution, because it’s deathly and addictive, but people don’t acknowledge that.
Work Cited
- Donald Palumbo Science Fiction Studies , Vol. 25, No. 3 (Nov., 1998), pp. 433-458
- Herbert, Frank. Dune. New York: Berkley Group, 1977. Print.
- Herbert, Frank. Dune Messiah. Print.
- Lorenzo DiTommaso Science Fiction Studies , Vol. 19, No. 3 (Nov., 1992), pp. 311-325
- Plants of Desert Dunes. by A. Danin Review by: Martin L. Cody Journal of Biogeography , Vol. 24, No. 3 (May, 1997), pp. 397-398
Project Text Draft 2
Nina Molina
Professor Pessin
English 114B
25 March 2012
Spice Dependency
Just like drugs on planet Earth, Arrakis-Dune-Desert Planet possess an addictive drug known as “spice.” If consumed, it gives the person an insight of the future, however if exposed to this drug one must keep taking it. If failing to do so death will come. This is one of the main conflicts in the novels Dune and Dune Messiah written by Frank Herbert. Spice became the target of many royal families, like the Atreides and the Harkonnen. For the Harkonnen their purpose was to simply get all the spice regardless what stood in their way, but for the Atreides, they wanted to control the dependency of the drug. The addiction led to many deaths whether from fighting to gain possession of it or simply from the drug itself. The worse part about it is not only are people but the universe is centered around this absurd narcotic. Not only have they become dependent on spice, it has also possessed power over them.
Dune the first of the series by Frank Herbert was written in the decade 1960’s when the experimentation of drugs was at its peak. Dune digs into the effects the drug “spice” has on those who consumes it --physically as well as socially. Baron Harkonnen, a self-centered ruler is willing to go to any extent to get his hand on the planet Arrakis only to have all the spice he desires, he even has an evil plan to kill the Duke, -- who has authority over the spice. Arrakis, is the home of the Fremen and the spice, it is unlike other planets because of its harsh climates and its scarce supply of water. Though, the Fremen and everyone else would want to change the environment of Arrakis to fit their need, they don’t pursue it because changing the planet’s environment and climate will lead to killing the sandworms -- who have a great role growth of spice. Its equates to them only trying to keep their humanity.
Paul Atreides, the son of the Duke and Jessica, is little and lack masculine physical features however he is quick to think and is powerful. Although, he is still fifteen in Dune, he’s been claimed to be “the One” since birth. In the beginning of the novel, he goes through a test held by the Reverend Mother, a test by enduring pain to determine if he is human. He wasn’t sure why he had to go through that, but shortly he learned that his mother also went through it, and what the purpose was. After given the test the Reverend Mother started to see the Kwisatz Hederach in Paul. Jessica, was raised a Bene Gesserit, however she rebelled against their order to have a daughter, rather had a son (Paul.) She is the concubine of the Duke, regardless they care for their relationship like a marriage. She is a great mother to Paul, she acts as the good conscience that keeps him going. Duke Leto, the head of the House of Atreides, has gained power over Arrakis - land of spice - through the exchange of the planet Caladan. The Duke is normally a caring and thoughtful person, but when dealing with betrayers and competitors he becomes brutal and cold- hearted. Baron Hakonnen, leader of the House of Harkonnen, he too is ruthless. The Baron is the main enemy of the Atreides, he only thinks of himself and what will make him better. He thought out a plan to destroy his enemies and planets just to get his hand on unlimited supply of spice.
Dune Messiah, the second book of the series, also by Frank Herbert is a continuation of the first novel. The expand of this book doesn’t deal much about people fighting over the drug, but more of how it effects some of the characters such as Alia. Alia Antredes, is the daughter of Duke Leto and Lady Jessica, just like her older bother she too posses powers. She has the ability to become one with others. She is the main reason for the death of her evil grandfather Baron by poisoning him with gom jabbar. She grew up living with the Fremen. In Dune Messiah, she falls for Paul’s educator, Duncan Idaho, who dies in the previous novel but is brought back to life by Tleilaxu means.
Spice is known to be like the Truthsayer drug, according to the Reverend Mother, people take it to advance their capabilities to see falsehood. Spice equals to power because people think highly of it. Many has tried the drug to become insightful, yet failed and died. Apparently, it has become the center of attention for many planets which leads to countless clashes between powerful people such as the Baron Harkonnen and the Duke. The two books demonstrated the effects it has on an individual, even more the dangers powerful people will do to get their hands on it. The people surrounding the planet Arrakis have become dependent on this wealth that they have become trapped in it. That is because, they’re so caught up in trying to acquire the drug that they even risk their lives, along with other’s lives. On the other hand some are caught up in becoming the Kwisatz Haderach, but failed to do so and die.
Spice is known to be like the Truthsayer drug, according to the Reverend Mother, people take it to advance their capabilities to see falsehood. Spice equals to power because people think highly of it. Many has tried the drug to become insightful, yet failed and died. Apparently, it has become the center of attention for many planets which leads to countless clashes between powerful people such as the Baron Harkonnen and the Duke. The two books demonstrated the effects it has on an individual, even more the dangers powerful people will do to get their hands on it. The people surrounding the planet Arrakis have become dependent on this wealth that they have become trapped in it. That is because, they’re so caught up in trying to acquire the drug that they even risk their lives, along with other’s lives. On the other hand some are caught up in becoming the Kwisatz Haderach, but failed to do so and die.
Considering that melange has become the center attention of the universe, powerful people such as Baron Harkonnen will do what he can to take the Duke’s control over the spice. Not only does he go out of his way to arrange a trade between planets, he also hires someone to get gain the Duke’s and his family’s trust so he’ll have access to the Duke’s plan, only to betray them. “‘The Harkonnens have been stockpiling for more than twenty years.’ ‘They mean the spice production to fail and you to be blamed.’ ‘They wish the Areides name to become unpopular,’ the Duke said” (Herbert 43). The Duke is well aware of the intentions of the self-seeking Harkonnens, he tells Paul that knowing you who and where the traps are, is the first step to avoiding the trap itself. The Duke is not narrow minded to think that only the Harkonnens are after the spice he knows other Houses are also stockpiling in spice, however he doesn’t accuse them just yet because that will lead to more enemies, instead he keeps a close watch on them.
Just like many luxuries in life people will go to any degree to have possession of their wants, to some killing others has become as easy as taking candy from little kids. “The Harkonnens sneered at the Fremen, hunted them for sport, never even bothered trying to count them. We know the Harkonnens policy with planetary populations- spend as little as possible to maintain them” (Herbert 45). Although many powerful families want their share of melange, the Harkonnens do it without remorse.
Royal families are fighting over this drug because they have become dependent on it and its brings riches to them, they look at it as a necessity for life, but just like any luxuries they’ve become blinded by its feel-good effects, that they don’t realize the negative effects it has on their bodies as well as their universe. They become so caught up in wanting to see the future that they become imprisoned by it and eventually cause their own death. Paul believes that the dependency and the addiction of spice is ridiculous, especially because he lost his father from it.
“‘The spice,’ he said ‘It’s in everything here- the air, the soil, the food, the geriatris spice. It’s like the Truthsayer drug. It’s like a poison!’ She stiffened. His voice lowered and repeated: ‘A poison -- so subtle, so insidious...so irreversible. It won’t kill you unless you stop taking it. ” (Herbert 196).
Ironically, Paul relies on the drug to see the the future, but he is considered to be “the One” -- the Kwisatz Haderach - unlike those who failed, Paul found “the gift of the spice with his inward eye.” He has the ability to see where no one else can and he has the ability to be at many places at once. “The spice changes anyone who gets this much of it, but thanks to you, I could bring change to this consciousness. I don’t get to leave it in the unconsciousness where its disturbance can be blanked out. I can see it” (Herbert 196). Paul thanks his mother because she had faith in him and saw something special in his son, although he isn’t the daughter she was told to have she still believed that there was something about her son and that is why she took him to the Reverend Mother in the first place.
Along the way of trying to keep control of the planet and the spice, Paul had to go through the pain of losing his loved ones. As much as he wanted to put an end to it, he refused to give up. “Have you suffered more from them than I?” (Herbert 480). Paul questioning Gurney before he fights Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. Being blessed as a “the One” Paul sometimes thought it was a curse instead because along the way he’s lost some of the most important people in his life. He thought to himself, “ How little the universe knows about the nature of real cruelty!” He is most certainly right because the root of all evil started from the spice.
During the course of Dune Messiah, not as many fights over the spice happened, because it took place twelve years after the events in Dune. At this time Paul became the Emperor, by taking the role of messiah to the Fremen. His ultimate goal as a ruler is to lead people away from destruction of themselves, however some doubts his abilities and wants to dethrone him.
Regardless on the time span, issues about dependency of spice still lingered in the planet of Arrakis. Whereas, before they fought to have control over the substance this time around Paul had authority over the planet and the spice, however, time did not change their weakness to spice. Because they relied upon it and they thought highly of it, spice has shaped their universe and it became an essential to their lives. It’s just like any other irrelevant drug or substances it takes a toll on the individual where they become heavily reliant to it, when they can simply substitute it with safer matters.
“Here was another ingredient of ideal history: a material whose psychics chemistry unraveled time. Without melange, the Sisterhood’s Reverent Mothers could no perform their feats of observation and human control. Without melange, the Guild’s Steermen could not navigate across space. Without melange, billions upon billions of Imperial citizens would die of addictive withdrawal. Without melange, Paul-Muad’dib could not prophesy” (Herbert 7).
Paul is fortunate because he is “the One” and spice doesn’t have very much of a negative effect on him, unlike many who wrongly believe that they can survive from it. They become addicted to this drug which eventually leads to their death, because once they stop having it, they die. “Melange was valuable, but it exacted a price -- addiction. It added years to a life -- decades for some -- but it was still just another way to die” (Herbert 87). By taking this drug people gamble their lives just to have power over it or just to have the sensation of feeling insightful.
Alia, Paul’s little sister, just like many others gets caught up in consuming spice to see the future, that they don’t realize how damaging it is. “What is the future if you die?” Duncan ask Alia. She has become dependent in the drug because she claims that her “vision’s incomplete, just fragments. It flickers and jumps. I have to remember the future,” if she doesn’t take a good amount of spice. This is obviously not a valid reason to take more dose than she could handle, let alone rely on it. Duncan wanted her to get help, but stubborn as she is she was convinced that it won’t harm her --that’s definitely a sign of addiction.
Sadly Paul’s universe was pre-occupied with consuming a narcotic called, spice that they practically lost themselves along the way. It addicted people, killed people, caused clashes between families, and shaped the universe whether good or bad. In the duration of the two novels by Frank Herbert, Dune and Dune Messiah it dealt with the effects this drug has on people -- their planets. This substance should be taken with precaution, because it’s deathly and addictive, but people don’t acknowledge that.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Final Project Draft 1
Nina Molina
Professor Pessin
English 114B
5 March 2012
Spice Dependency
Just like drugs on planet Earth, Arrkanis-Dune-Desert Planet possess an addictive drug known as “spice.” If consumed, it gives the person an insight of the future, however if exposed to this drug one must keep taking it, if failed to do so death will come. This is one of the main conflicts in the novels Dune and Dune Messiah written by Frank Herbert. Spice became the target of many royal families, like the Atreides and the Harkonnen -for the Harkonnen their purpose was to simply get all the spice regardless what stood in their way, but for the Atreides, they wanted to control the dependency of the drug. The addiction led to many deaths whether from fighting to gain possession of it or simply from the drug itself. The worse part about it is not only did people but the universe centered around this absurd narcotic.
Dune the first of the series by Frank Herbert was written in the decade 1960’s when the experimentation of drugs was at its peak. Dune digs into the effects the drug “spice” has on those who consumes it - physically as well as socially. Baron Harkonnen, a self-centered ruler is willing to go to any extent to get his hand on the planet Arrakis only to have all the spice he desires, he even has an evil plan to kill the Duke - who has authority over the spice. Arrakis, is the home of the Fremen and the spice, it is unlike other planets because of its harsh climates and its scarce supply of water. Though, the Fremen and everyone else would want to change the environment of Arrakis to fit their need, they don’t pursue on it because changing the planet’s environment and climate will lead to killing the sandworms -- whom take a great role in the growth of spice.
Paul Atreides, the son of the Duke and Jessica, is little and lack masculine physical features however he is quick to think and is powerful. Although, he is still fifteen in Dune, he’s been claimed to be “the One” since birth. In the beginning of the novel, he goes through a test held by the Reverend Mother, a test by enduring pain to determine if he is human. He wasn’t sure why he had to go through that, but shortly he learned that his mother also went through it, and what the purpose was. After given the test the Reverend Mother started to see the Kwisatz Hederach in Paul. Jessica, was raised a Bene Gesserit, however she rebelled against their order to have a daughter, rather had a son (Paul.) She is the concubine of the Duke, regardless they care for their relationship like a marriage. She is a great mother to Paul, she acts as the good conscience that keeps him going. Duke Leto, the head of the House of Atreides, has gained power over Arrakis - land of spice - through the exchange of the planet Caladan. The Duke is normally a caring and thoughtful person, but when dealing with betrayers and competitors he becomes brutal and cold- hearted. Baron Hakonnen, leader of the House of Harkonnen, he too is ruthless. The Baron is the main enemy of the Atreides, he only thinks of himself and what will make him better. He thought out a plan to destroy his enemies and planets just to get his hand on unlimited supply of spice.
Dune Messiah, the second book of the series, also by Frank Herbert is a continuation of the first novel. The expand of this book doesn’t deal much about people fighting over the drug, but more of how it effects some of the characters such as Alia. Alia Antredes, is the daughter of Duke Leto and Lady Jessica, just like her older bother she too posses powers. She has the ability to become one with others. She is the main reason for the death of her evil grandfather Baron by poisoning him with gom jabbar. She grew up living with the Fremen. In Dune Messiah, she falls for Paul’s educator, Duncan Idaho, who dies in the previous novel but is brought back to life by Tleilaxu means.
Spice is known to be like the Truthsayer drug, according to the Reverend Mother, people take it to advance their capabilities to see falsehood. Many has tried the drug to become insightful, yet failed and died. Apparently, it has become the center of attention for many planets which leads to countless clashes between powerful people such as the Baron Harkonnen and the Duke. The two books demonstrated the effects it has on an individual, even more the dangers powerful people will do to get their hands on it. The people surrounding the planet Arrakis have become dependent on this wealth that they have become trapped in it. That is because, they’re so caught up in trying to acquire the drug that they even risk their lives, along with other’s lives. On the other hand some are caught up in becoming the Kwisatz Haderach, but failed to do so and die.
Considering that melange has become the center attention of the universe, powerful people such as Baron Harkonnen will do what he can to take the Duke’s control over the spice. Not only does he go out of his way to arrange a trade between planets, he also hires someone to get gain the Duke’s and his family’s trust so he’ll have access to the Duke’s plan, only to betray them. “‘The Harkonnens have been stockpiling for more than twenty years.’ ‘They mean the spice production to fail and you to be blamed.’ ‘They wish the Areides name to become unpopular,’ the Duke said” (Herbert 43). The Duke is well aware of the intentions of the self-seeking Harkonnens, he tells Paul that knowing you who and where the traps are, is the first step to avoiding the trap itself. The Duke is not narrow minded to think that only the Harkonnens are after the spice he knows other Houses are also stockpiling in spice, however he doesn’t accuse them just yet because that will lead to more enemies, instead he keeps a close watch on them.
Just like many luxuries in life people will go to any degree to have possession of their wants, to some killing others has become as easy as taking candy from little kids. “The Harkonnens sneered at the Fremen, hunted them for sport, never even bothered trying to count them. We know the Harkonnens policy with planetary populations- spend as little as possible to maintain them” (Herbert 45). Although many powerful families want their share of melange, the Harkonnens do it without remorse.
Royal families are fighting over this drug because they have become dependent on it and its brings riches to them, they look at it as a necessity for life, but just like any luxuries they’ve become blinded by its feel-good effects, that they don’t realize the negative effects it has on their bodies as well as their universe. They become so caught up in wanting to see the future that they become imprisoned by it and eventually cause their own death. Paul believes that the dependency and the addiction of spice is ridiculous, especially because he lost his father from it.
“‘The spice,’ he said ‘It’s in everything here- the air, the soil, the food, the geriatris spice. It’s like the Truthsayer drug. It’s like a poison!’ She stiffened. His voice lowered and repeated: ‘A poison -- so subtle, so insidious...so irreversible. It won’t kill you unless you stop taking it. ” (Herbert 196).
Ironically, Paul relies on the drug to see the the future, but he is considered to be “the One” -- the Kwisatz Haderach - unlike those who failed, Paul found “the gift of the spice with his inward eye.” He has the ability to see where no one else can and he has the ability to be at many places at once. “The spice changes anyone who gets this much of it, but thanks to you, I could bring change to this consciousness. I don’t get to leave it in the unconsciousness where its disturbance can be blanked out. I can see it” (Herbert 196). Paul thanks his mother because she had faith in him and saw something special in his son, although he isn’t the daughter she was told to have she still believed that there was something about her son and that is why she took him to the Reverend Mother in the first place.
Along the way of trying to keep control of the planet and the spice, Paul had to go through the pain of losing his loved ones. As much as he wanted to put an end to it, he refused to give up. “Have you suffered more from them than I?” (Herbert 480). Paul questioning Gurney before he fights Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. Being blessed as a “the One” Paul sometimes thought it was a curse instead because along the way he’s lost some of the most important people in his life. He thought to himself, “ How little the universe knows about the nature of real cruelty!” He is most certainly right because the root of all evil started from the spice.
During the course of Dune Messiah, not as many fights over the spice happened, because it took place twelve years after the events in Dune. At this time Paul became the Emperor, by taking the role of messiah to the Fremen. His ultimate goal as a ruler is to lead people away from destruction of themselves, however some doubts his abilities and wants to dethrone him.
Regardless on the time span, issues about dependency of spice still lingered in the planet of Arrakis. Whereas, before they fought to have control over the substance this time around Paul had authority over the planet and the spice, however, time did not change their weakness to spice. Because they relied upon it and they thought highly of it, spice has shaped their universe and it became an essential to their lives. It’s just like any other irrelevant drug or substances it takes a toll on the individual where they become heavily reliant to it, when they can simply substitute it with safer matters.
“Here was another ingredient of ideal history: a material whose psychics chemistry unraveled time. Without melange, the Sisterhood’s Reverent Mothers could no perform their feats of observation and human control. Without melange, the Guild’s Steermen could not navigate across space. Without melange, billions upon billions of Imperial citizens would die of addictive withdrawal. Without melange, Paul-Muad’dib could not prophesy” (Herbert 7).
Paul is fortunate because he is “the One” and spice doesn’t have very much of a negative effect on him, unlike many who wrongly believe that they can survive from it. They become addicted to this drug which eventually leads to their death, because once they stop having it, they die. “Melange was valuable, but it exacted a price -- addiction. It added years to a life -- decades for some -- but it was still just another way to die” (Herbert 87). By taking this drug people gamble their lives just to have power over it or just to have the sensation of feeling insightful.
Alia, Paul’s little sister, just like many others gets caught up in consuming spice to see the future, that they don’t realize how damaging it is. “What is the future if you die?” Duncan ask Alia. She has become dependent in the drug because she claims that her “vision’s incomplete, just fragments. It flickers and jumps. I have to remember the future,” if she doesn’t take a good amount of spice. This is obviously not a valid reason to take more dose than she could handle, let alone rely on it. Duncan wanted her to get help, but stubborn as she is she was convinced that it won’t harm her --that’s definitely a sign of addiction.
Sadly Paul’s universe was pre-occupied with consuming a narcotic called, spice that they practically lost themselves along the way. It addicted people, killed people, caused clashes between families, and shaped the universe whether good or bad. In the duration of the two novels by Frank Herbert, Dune and Dune Messiah it dealt with the effects this drug has on people -- their planets. This substance should be taken with precaution, because it’s deathly and addictive, but people don’t acknowledge that.
Monday, April 16, 2012
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